Here's a look at my progress so far building the OHR 100A 20m xcvr. Component placement has gone smoothly.
Next phase is toroid winding, there are 9 toroids but most are simple. I don't anticipate any problems.
My main concern is that the kit provides no interim testing along the way. So identifying issues after the entire board has been populated could be challenging. The kit simply instructs the builder to install all resistors first, then capacitors, then transistors, etc.
There are two other build phases to this lit:
Next phase is toroid winding, there are 9 toroids but most are simple. I don't anticipate any problems.
My main concern is that the kit provides no interim testing along the way. So identifying issues after the entire board has been populated could be challenging. The kit simply instructs the builder to install all resistors first, then capacitors, then transistors, etc.
There are two other build phases to this lit:
- component placement for the 20 meter band pack
- the build for the electronic keyer option
The photo below shows progress to-date installing components.
OHR 100A PCB partially populated
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