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19 June 2010

Stealth antenna and feedline

Where's the antenna? That's the point. You can't see it!
The design is a modified version of KR1ST's stealth HF coat
hangar antenna. Running QRP with an ICOM IC-706MKII
I've worked stations in Hawaii, New York, Texas and Chicago
from my humble QTH in Moscow, ID in the shadow of mighty
mile-high Moscow Mountain.

Even standing in front of the house on the sidewalk it's
virtually invisible. The 100 foot dipole is there, however, running
just beneath the second floor gutter.

As for the feedline, if you look very carefully you can see
the spacers on the open wire feedline. They appear as short
horizontal lines against the side of the dark green trim to the
left of the long window on the house.

The 100-foot dipole antenna and feedline
are actually two continuous lengths of #14
wire. The antenna is wrapped around most
of the house about 20 feet up.

The feedine itself is about 20 feet long, beginning
just below the gutter near the roof and continuing
down the side of the house to the garage.

This view shows the feedline (note horizontal 
open wire spacers) as it runs downs the front 
of the house and jogs in to where the it enters 
the garage where my shack is located.

Look very carefully again to see how the
feedline turns to run into the external wall
of the garage.

Here is a view of the open wire feedline
coming into the garage and my shack.
Note how it attaches to a balun fed by 
RG-8X coax to the transceiver.

This view shows my TenTec 1340 QRP 
kit rig (black box in lower left of the photo).

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