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14 December 2011

John Kraus - W8JK

One of the things I enjoy most about my work as a Research Librarian at an engineering company is my exposure to all kinds of technology and related books and online resources. I recently skimmed through John Kraus' classic, Antennas and, although I am not an engineer, found several sections of the book very valuable to my understanding of simple wire antennas. John himself was a ham, W8JK, who is well know for his innovative antenna designs.

While reading through the chapter on dipole antennas, I came across a Beetle Bailey cartoon which, for me, captured part of the essence and mystery of antennas. Beetle is up on the roof holding an antenna while his buddy inside is telling him when it is positioned just right for a good signal. In the next frame, Beetle slips and begins falling off the roof. In the final frame Beetle is shown hanging upside down off the roof still clutching the antenna, as his buddy shouts out, That's perfect right there!

So often, that's what happens in antenna work. You read about all the theory behind an antenna, but when it comes down to making it work, reality sets in and the concept of "free space" goes out the window. Thanks John!

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