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17 July 2010

Next project: NorCal 40A QRP xcvr

I'm ready to start my next QRP kit, the NorCal 40A 40m transceiver from Wilderness Radio.

Received the kit a few days ago and did the parts inventory. One resistor was missing, Bob's sending that. 

Here is a shot of the front and rear plates, the enclosure, PCB and bag o' parts.

Here are the parts ready for inventory.

Read the instruction manual, which is well-laid out and am really looking forward to getting started. I bought the KC1 keyer option as well.

1 comment:

  1. How did you find the kit? I am building using Revision A parts list and schematic(they are mutually consistent by the way) on a copper board..." dead bug" and "Manhattan" style, as I was unable to aquire an actual kit, which is now many years gone.
